

Build and maintain independent free schools and hospitals in partner communities to ensure that economically disadvantaged children have access to quality education.

Flagship Project

Osnon Academy
Osnon Academy is a free co-boarding secondary school for the brightest young minds in Uga, Anambra state. Situated in the historic town of Uga, Osnon Academy seeks to bring opportunities to communities traditionally overlooked. We believe in the power of education to empower young people and transform communities. Our resolve to create access is instrumental in creating our academy, where accessibility to education asks no financial obligation from students but to come with a curious mind. Access to quality education includes curriculum rooted in the 21st century, by challenging the status quo and engaging in access to quality education through technology.
The Osnon Academy Blueprint

We aim to create a learning environment that challenges young people to think outside the box, nurturing their creativity, curiosity, and a mind geared towards innovation. With carefully conceived extracurricular and mentorship programs, our students will have access to the most brilliant minds from all walks of life, their insight and first-hand knowledge from years of practice in their given fields.  

Our approach to education is holistic, based on a careful balance between intellectual heft and social skills. By building a curriculum with educational leaders, our academy aims to engage the naturally inquisitive minds of our students. We aim to create a learning environment that encourages integrity, courage, and empathy. We are committed to the elevating our partner communities and society at large.

The Osnon Student Profile

Students of Osnon Academy would not only be able to articulate their own needs, but they would also be sympathetic to the needs of others and speak up for those who can’t do so for themselves. A potential Osnon Academy student may be admitted for outstanding academic performance through a rigorous but transparent process. Over time, they are forged into leaders of leaders, influential community builders, eloquent communicators, and focused visionaries.

  • Scholarship programme for promising students who show strong potential to further their education to university level, including cultivating relationships with partner universities as well as creating a scholarship fund.

  • Actively creating solid portfolios for individuals from economically challenged backgrounds via opportunities for work with our partner organizations. We believe in further development through training and internships; finally, we seek to work with organizations committed to human development.

  • Strategic partnership with key stakeholders driving impact within education and healthcare and aligned to our mission and values.

OSNON Academic Governing Board

Board Chair/ President

Geoffrey Ohen Limited

Board Vice Chair/ President

Isa School of Education

Board Member/ Non Executive Director

Abbey Mortage bank

Board Member/ Managing Director

Anchoria Asset Management

Our Commitment

Our partner communities
  • To work with and for the community
  • Safeguard of all individuals within our care
  • To always act in the best interest of the community
  • To seek solutions while presenting indigenous ideas
Our strategic partners and donors
  • Judicious use of all funds donated to the foundation
  • Accountability and transparency through biannual reports
  • Newsletters and emails to stakeholders and donors

Our Partners